New York City 1948

10:59 p.m.-2001-07-03

whats in store

Today is my first day in the new department. I got the dubious honor of having my first month's rotation on overnight. So now NYC is having one of it's clement summer weather periods and I'm stuck in the cave at night, when my blood runs fast. The atmosphere outside is so nice that all I wanna do is run amok and be naughty. Responsible spanklin is in charge however. More reason now to hook up with a bartender, similar hours.

Also in the firsts category, I had my first improv comedy performance on Saturday at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater. Went well, even though Billy (our improv master) cut me off three times before I could edge a word out. Crowd loved it. I cursed him and his family. Second level classes start soon with another performance slated at the end. And after I complete level three they'll let me audition for the theater, to be on an improv team that performs three or four nights a week there. Woo hoo.

Report on the insanity brewing in my cranium. Still methodically increasing. No dramatic leaps of crazy, but I can see that straight jacket at the end of the tunnel. Luckily for the general populace I do not believe that I'll go Hannibal Lechter crazy. As much as I despise you humans, and have plotted many of your deaths in my dreams and fantasies, I would never carry that out. I won't do anything that will help you prosper. No signing up for a CPR class for me. I'd give my pocket change to a stray mutt, but not to some homeless idiot. I may even become a homeless idiot, and I still wouldn't give myself any charity. So, will I scalp you and wipe my ass with your hair? No. Will I push you out of the way of that oncoming bus? No.

Also my penis isn't meeting enough vaginas. And the little rascal is giving me a hard time about it.

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