New York City 1948

12:15 a.m.-2001-07-18

standard boring bad news

So rumor has it they are gonna lay off another thirty to forty percent here. This could truly be the end of my stint as a technical slave. I have survived three rounds of lay-offs already. I'm sure the severance packages will be dookie. Don't know what to think.

On the one hand losing my job will put me into a financial crush. On the other hand I've been wishing they would drop the axe for a while. I'm not panicking, yet deep down I'm fairly confident that my name is on the hit list. Not that I enjoyed customer support, but this new department is badly managed and is certainly not treating me with the respect that a person who already put in a year of hard labor should. Fuck this place.

Don't know if this will sadden anyone or not, but if I lose my job here, I probably won't be updating at all. My computer at home sucks and my connection is shit. Too impatient to deal with that. And I doubt some other job will snap me up right away.

Fuck this is a depressingly boring entry. Just sick of the whole mess. Tired of trying to prove to assholes that I'm talented or intelligent. Tired of having to scrape for a few inches of crummy space. Tired of pretending that I give a shit. Tired of killing myself and driving my brain to insanity for someone else's product, which I don't believe in anyway.

Fuck it all.

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