New York City 1948

10:29 p.m.-2001-08-03

why i should never own a gun

People's whose head I would remove with bullets if I owned a gun.

Anyone carrying on a discussion, not remembering to turn off their cell phone, or decide to use the back of my seat for tap dancing practice while the movie is rolling.

Anyone that brakes for no reason, turns their car as if its gonna tip over, double parks, decides to stop in the middle of the street, or putters along like the road is made out of egg shells causing my cab to miss the light and hence increasing my fare.

Anyone who asks the token booth attendant any tourist type question while I'm behind them in line and I can hear my train approaching the station. I would shove the barrel of the gun up their ass if I actually missed the train.

Any guy I see roughing up his kids or woman. Actually I'd smack the asshole around for a few days before taping the gun to his open mouth, with his hand superglued to the trigger, and tell him he can either pull the cap or allow me to do awful things to his nuts with a rusty spoon.

Anybody performing any act of animal cruelty. If time and location were possible, I'd staple fur painted neon orange to their naked flesh, break both of their big toes, drop them in an enclosed section of woods and hunt them down. Mount their heads on a plaque.

The kid who blasts his music in the courtyard behind my apartment building. When my bed is vibrating four floors away from the source thats too fucking loud. If his activity actually breaks my slumber, I would tie him down and open his ass up for every sick bastard that wanted some young ass, and then I would shoot him.



Network television programmers.

Anyone who bible bangs loudly in the train. Fucking inconsiderate assholes. They always wait until the train doors close, so your trapped for at least one stop while the try and infect your brain with their beliefs.

Anyone who has ever caused serious bodily harm to another because of they're ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Anyone that doesn't know when its time to stop breeding. For that matter anyone who has a baby knowing full well ( or even if they are too stupid to realise it ) that the kid will be fucked either because it'll develop in a befouled womb ( i.e. a crackhead uterus ) or grow up in squalor. Torture would be called for if they say "it's my right or destiny to have children".

Anyone acting so retarded that it effects my life negatively.

Anyone who breaks out a harmonica at a social gathering.

The heads of all corporations that are polluting the earth and the politicians that allow them to prosper and continue.

Anyone that wants to die because they're quality of life is shit, yet our puritanical society won't allow them to end their suffering. And then I would line up all the self righteous pig fuckers who wouldn't allow them to do so in the first place, and inject them with a myriad of diseases, making sure no one ever allows them to commit a sin and take their own life.

Anyone that wears too much perfume or cologne, enough to make eyes water and throats choke. Thats just inexcusable.

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