New York City 1948

6:07 p.m.-2001-11-06

your eyes are like crimson puddles after a pre-gregorian battle

My eyes are upset. Been poked and prodded all day yesterday. Was under the contact lens fitting room torture chamber. Apparently my combination of problems, keratoconus (mishapen cornea), myopia (near sightedness), astigmatism (light refraction is off), and glaucoma is best suited for special contact lenses. But what the fuck glaucoma? I mean how old am I? Whats next, hip replacement?

Taking eye drops for the glaucoma. The doc actually asked me if I'd prefer the drops that won't possibly change my green eyes to brown. What the fuck do you think oh medical genius? Fuck yes give me the drops that will allow me to maintain my jade like quality. Christ.

Tried the hard lenses, since they would be best for the cornea thing. My eyes have yet to forgive me. Looked like I smoked a grocery bag full of cheeba. And again the doc asked me a brilliant question. Would you prefer lenses that would be more comfortable? Actually no, could you find some lenses with the texture of sand paper. I think all that medical shit crammed in their brains squeezes all common sense out through their ears.

Not looking forward to the contact lens shit. Been wearing glasses since I was seven. Frames are as much a part of my face as my dimples and button nose. Feel like I'm going into disguise, hiding from the government. Plus I don't wanna deal with the vanity ribbing sure to come from my peers. Fuckin dicks.

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