New York City 1948

1:35 a.m.-2002-01-24

tard rudy

All you Guiliani supporters are smoking crack. Switzerland got marauded by five hundred thousand protesters when they last hosted the World Bank summit. The same summit that caused head cracking riots in Seattle a few years ago. So Guiliani suggests that they move the summit to NYC this February to alleviate the violence in Europe. Thinking of lining his friend's pockets with cash from foreign visitors, and that his crew of police bruisers would brutalize any attempts to protest the fat cat convention. Thick blubber headed moron. His short sightedness and fascist attitude is gonna add more strife to a city that needs some nursing. Take a collection of aggressive men ( NYC cops and firemen ) who just took a shot in the shorts looking for a scrap, and combine it with an influx of idealistic riled up counter culture types looking to showcase as much televised outrage and abuse of authority as possible, and you got a big bowl of riot batter.

How many times does the midget comb over fascist have to violate the sanity of the denizens of NYC before his unexplainable popularity rating takes a nose dive. Dude isn't even in office anymore, and the current mayor can't get nothing done without a nod from the greaseball. All attempts should be made to chisel and scrape off every mark that Guiliani has left on this city. His stench just won't go away.

Saw news coverage of the NYPD training for riots. Pretending that throngs of people onrush them, rocking cars, and toppling over traffic lights. They fucking know whats about to go down. Its not just a casual precaution. They are preparing for battle.

Tell ya what. I work in midtown, the general area where the summit is taking place. If a city closing riot goes down and there is looting, its gonna be awfully difficult to convince myself not to pick a few five finger discount essentials. They can bill the ex mayor. I don't want to see anyone come to physical harm or lose their property, but the crap tornado is gonna take place, and once its underway I will add my deviousness to increase the notoriety that would keep people from coming here and convince more lame-o's to leave. New Yorkers need a break from the constant interruption in our lives from tourists and tradgedy voyuers. I would sing for joy not having to fight for sidewalk space, delayed by the uninitiated, and hassled by people that come here just to piss all over the place.

I can't wait for all the rhetoric. Where did we go wrong? Why have we failed our youth? The cops were just doing their jobs. Another tradgedy hits a city already reeling from devastation. It was meant to be an economic stimulator. A small group of miscreants ruined the experience for.........blah blah blah bullshit.

Just heard they are making a movie based on the life of Adolf, oops I'm sorry, Rudolf Guiliani and his "illustrious" political career. It would only be entertaining if Matt Stone and Trey Parker were allowed to create the filmatic opus. I can see it now, Rudy and his new lover Satan, recreate the land without toys.

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