New York City 1948

3:13 p.m.-2002-03-01

care package

My mom rocks. Out of the blue, she sends me two exquisite hardback journals slash sketchbooks, and a bunch of high quality pens for me to write and draw with. It was a congrats for signing on to a regularly performing improv comedy group. She also convinced my pop to send along some money, my sis even contributed, and I wasn't even griping about funds, they inquired how classes were going and I said I'm registering for another round. Poof, we'll send that stinker some cash. Cool cool peeps those wacky members of my Midwestern clan.

My mom also rocks cause: She taught me how to catch a baseball. She laughed everytime I fell down. She is independent and strong, and hates women who whine. The students at the University she works at call her the "curly headed stern person". She went through some gross abuse when she was a kid, but she doesn't make a federal case over it. Yes, she hasn't actually confronted the monster and she's a little fucked up over the deal, but she ain't a victim, and she can't deal with people who act like one. She lets me say whatever I want, even when it freaks out everyone in the room. She lets me be me.

My pop rocks cause: He forced me go to school everyday. He cooked every breakfast, packed every lunch, and created wonderful dinners, practically everyday. He is a square, and proud of it. He tells achingly groaner jokes and stories, and persists through eye rolls, head shakes, and looks of "when will this end". He taught me that even though the job is shit, you don't have to be shit. He could give a flaming pile what you think of him. In my mom's post drugged childbirth induced stupor, he convinced her to sign a certificate making me Frank the third.

My sis rocks cause: She's kind. She can be a major bitch. She sticks up for the underdog. She forgave me for being a serious shit when we were kids. She has absolutely no idea where I'm coming from, and the fact that my mom gave birth to two opposite ends of a battery, she still likes the fact that I'm her crazy brother. She will probably have some seriously cute kids, and she'll let me have my deviant influence on them, and instead of smacking me on the head with a rolled up newspaper, she'll just grin. She'll take care of our folks when the time comes.

The official spanky loves his family day has started.

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