New York City 1948

12:27 a.m.-2002-08-02

hidey ho, where my money at?

The flavor of freak will contain new spices. Thus commences the insertion of herr spanky into a month long overnight shift stint. Extra dashes of weird will begin to mush around on the palate. Will not be held responsible for your monitor convulsing. I suggest you start drinking. Heavily.

I smell guilty. Aromas of smoke, muggy b.o., intermingling pheremones, and flowery moisturiser are emanating through my clothes. A coworker took pause as I took the helm. Yeah yeah, I smell the way you wanna live server slave. Running my tongue along the dried saliva and coitus juice on my face.

Blowjobs are fine. Blowjobs are dandy. I prefer them as an appetiser to a evening of fun. I like cuddling and sleeping entwined. Me work, no cuddle. I hate all things work right now. Fists clenched. Start work at midnight? Lovely.


Did I just bitch about receiving head? I think I did. Holy chutney, I must reverse this shit. I will be pulling the rope in the john tonight in attempts to rectify the situation.

Desire to focus my rage on crippling those that have wronged me. Can't shake the image of a family of stupids that sat behind me at the theater Tuesday night. Should have known they would be an annoyance when they were unable to solve the preshow jumbles. Joooosh,, ohhhhhhh, Josh Hartnet! Ooooo here comes another one, ba, baaa, ooo, duh heh there it is, Barbara Stanwyck. Who's Barbara Stanwyck? Who's Judi Dench? Pardon me oh clan of the pudding heads, I am afraid I must now remove your skins.

Of course I would love to hear your flock's clever repartee throughout the entireity of Reign Of Fire. Just a silly movie about dragons scorching the planet in the future. Obviously your life is more fascinating. Obviously your critique of the film is more important than actually watching it unfettered. Your kids obviously deserve to ask retarded questions for two hours, and obviously I enjoy hearing your completely misguided wrong answers. How I wish I possessed an overfiend sized hydra headed member lined with barbs so I could make all of your orifices seep blood and be permenantly agape like a wind tunnel. Please, please be subjected to misfortune constantly.

Maybe psilocybin is the answer. Next shift comes in to discover the newest installment of found object sculpture. Remnants of cheeseburgers in the air vents of the servers, evidence of my attempts to feed the computers.

On an upbeat note, I was able to squeeze money out of my budget to purchase a fancy shower curtain. Gots Hawaiian grass skirt hula chicks on it and shit. They be saying aloha and shit. It's all dope and shit. Word.

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