New York City 1948

4:23 p.m.-2002-10-29

bags akimbo

Why is day old rice from a Chinese restaurant inedible? Actually almost any dish ordered from a Chinese restaurant must be consumed upon purchase. A conspiracy from the red menace? Quite ingenious I suppose. The no reheat protocol. You may control marketplace roundeye, you never have leftovers while our wok fires blaze.

The damaged fruit often comes with a delivery. Always some marbled green skinned orange, thats been through a scarification ritual. Many Italian and Chinese joints, in my hood at least, drop some unappetising citrus in the bag. Just adds extra weight for the delivery guy to heft. Can't imagine who pulls that produce reject out the sack and licks their lips.

Feel somewhat guilty tossing out the extras. But I didn't ask for it, and trying to explain, to the person currently in class for English as a second language, on the phone how they can keep it to themselves winds up as a frustrating dialogue.

My favorite addition so far is from this new spot called Rush Hour. Late night chow that seems like everything they make is pre-prepared frozen stuff. Picturing big box piles of hamburger patties and chicken fingers. Tubs of powdered soup starters and stock. Still, bordering on 7-11 cuisine, it's alright in a wee hour pinch. The amusing part is that they staple a plastic baggie with a fridge magnet ( with their delivery number of course ) and a single Marlboro Light. No temptation for me, even when I do smoke I don't fuck around with Marlboros. Tastes like dookie. Makes me giggle thinking of the people who would get flustered with a butt in their delivery.

The cornucopia of food delivery options in this town is stupendous. Occasionally, when humanity gets too much for me, I hermit in my crib and fill my belly entirely with delivery food. Usually a short Mexican guy no matter what international flavor is in the bag they carry, often taken aback by my wild crazy ass white boy look when I answer the door. Can avoid eating the same part of the globe for a week or two.

Shit, you can have drugs and pussy delivered to your door if you got enough sauce. Strong supporter of the buds on bikes. Couldn't tell you the quality of trim that makes a visit from a phone call. Not saying that I'll never utilise a call girl, but it'll have to wait until I can afford the expensive kind. Admittedly paying for it, while not currently necessary for me, turns me on. However, I'm gonna have expensive tastes if I ever decide to have a taste. Pussy is a resource I refuse to skimp and save on.

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