New York City 1948

8:28 a.m.-2003-03-05

bracing unsheeted

Harvesting eyelashes. Every morning waking up with the need to reap the eyelash bounty. Glaucoma medication side effect. Makes my eyelashes grow longer and thicker. Scrubbing the air for dust and other airborne particles. Yank a half dozen loose and gunky ones daily.

Feh, waking up. As much as sleep is tumultuous for me, waking up is even more so. Brain not officially active till sometime after lunch. I have dawn blocks on my neural passageways.

Covering the morning shift here at the jobby job today. Cheery sunshine folk make me grumble in the jungle. Even chipper on a precipitous day like this. Extra grumpy since I had to interrupt rain sleep. Rainy day sleep is the best there is. For me anyhoo.

Morning people should hedge their alacrity of suncrack glee. It's all wonderful that you prosper during the ante meridiem hours. Just realise that people who feel pain when the deathfire ball in the sky first peeks over the horizon might want to torture you. Grab you by the smile and drag you through fiberglass insulation. Piping your kneecaps as you trot past them on your morning jog. Sacrificing their bubbling hot coffee, to douse your short and curlies with searing brown liquid.

I imagine I will spend the entire shift waking up. Hopefully occurences of morning wood, as I continually snap in and out of drowse, will be at a minimum. Grumpy, sleepy and erect is a combo booty ass way to travel through a day.

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