New York City 1948

12:12 p.m.-2003-03-27

sick march

Early day for sire spanky. Coworker bail out. Doing the shift coverage fandango. Woop woop, that's the sound of the beast. Damnable work ethic.

And what does these precipitous hours breed? Complete ire for protestors. That's right you idlers, today's rant is for thou and thine.

If I had been trapped in a cab while you blocked Fifth Avenue this morning, I assure you your memories of today would have been most unpleasant. First I'd walk up to you idiots laying on the blacktop, open up the zipper stage doors, and let spanky junior unleash pungent yellow fury all over your faces. If that didn't clear your relaxed heiny from the street, I'd start leaving Puma imprints in your flesh.

Maybe you hadn't heard, but New Yorkers have been suffering a rough couple of years. Keeping us from getting to our JOBS and increasing our taxi fares will make us wanna split you open with a garden shovel.

Fucking protestors. Must be nice to not have to slave at a jobby job. Must be nice to not have to earn a living so you can disrupt the lives of others. Must be nice to have the luxury to bitch and moan instead of punching a clock.

And what the fuck happened to make NYC the protest mecca? Let's see all the war mongering decisions are being made in the nation's capitol of Washington D.C. So we will go make life miserable for the citizens of a town a couple hundred miles north cause it will get us more media coverage. Look at me, I wanna be noticed! Stop ruining my day cause your mom hated you so much she couldn't even stomach to have you feed on her nipples.

Go eat a wormy manure grilled ball cheese sandwich. Why not stage your life of ease griping in the center of this political mess? Fill the Senate steps with body blockades. Keep your tourist style pretenses out of my fucking city. You are preaching to the converted. No war planning is made in Gotham. Oh yeah, the U.N. is here. But, the fucking U.N. doesn't want this war either. Dickwits.

To the punk children that sprayed mace on the cops: You halftard spoiled little turds. I hope you got the Louima treatment back at the station. I am not exactly a fan of the boys with badges. But I show them spect until they prove otherwise. You got some teen angst? Go flagellate yourself in your cutting closet. Don't douse some working joe with poison cause you can't handle the stink of life's shit.

If I see one more child haphazardly paraphrasing whatever their parents spout at home on the news while they pretend to give a shit just to skip school, I am gonna launch shit from my rooftop. If your opinion is peppered with the phrase "like" every other word, shut your purile cake hole. Damn munchkins running off with diarrhea of the mouth.

Also, a homie out on the left coast told me there is a new protesting practise going on in San Francisco. They call it protest puke. Drink an inordinance of dairy product and then down some ipecac. Blow chunks on the police. Brilliant idea there quarterbrains. Create a potential health and sanitation crisis all in the name of peace.

Let the billyclubs fly ya bastards, let em fly!

These soggy individuals ought to corral the troops and try to think of some more effective ways of getting their points across. Difficult I know, since you can't control your emotions enough to make rational smart decisions. I'm angry! Lets shout and scream and make a nuisance on the streets of Manhattan! As if the suits on the Hill give a toss about what happens on my turf.

What you are accomplishing is pissing off freaks like me. Highly dangerous gambit there. Sooner or later the folks who grease the gears of this city are gonna have enough of your shit and start kicking heads in. Cops will be able to take the day off.

Got it pussies?

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