New York City 1948

6:21 p.m.-2003-12-29

shuffle street deck

Forced slog Downtown. Preferable destination than Midtown. Rough and tumble trade traversing from beyond the Houston border towards the governmental center down there. Land fill in. Basically, all firma of the island below Canal Street was swamp that required dumping dug up rocks and dirt into. One cannot build a skyscraper incubating tray without a solid foundation.

Yapping yapping yapping. I would glean this, all important to life, information you monotonously drabble out your cheeks much easier for all involved if ya'd just lemme read the thumpin thing. I understand the government pays you a pittance to rifle off sentences from a prescripted dialogue. Why so difficult you? Huh, whassamadda? I'm looking looking so damn hard for another gig, werd to your sammiches, mail me dem checks, ai'ight?

Another visit will possibly be necessary to chisel physical evidence that I desperately trudge the dregs of society for labor. Hell, I'll definitely go to some interviews. Send my freak ass off to see some bunched up tightsuited sniveler. I'm sure he, or she, will be most impressed.

As decent sleep is a current trend. A lovely one at that dare I say. Trend that is. Uncomplicated with the harpy shriek of an electrical heart jolting device. They sell them under the name of "clock radio's". Honestly though, they obviously make them to thin the herd of weak pulminary joe's. In summation, to desist in dodging the point, I don't wake till sometime well after ten a-everjerkin-m currently.

Exactly. When would I have the time to both save the universe with my lantern powered hero skills and also delve deep in Manhattan's bowels for federal intervention? So, no primary trip to the doc's. They sent me a note saying they want to hook me up with another arm puncture. This time for a hepatitus version preventable series B, or whicheverhoostinkle malady lurking out there for me. A vaccine. My favorite.

Also, my cholesterol was at two oh two, and concern is above two hundred. Chats about diet. Freeze. Cancel. Veto. Suck my blood out a scant week away from just leaving the Family Command Center Midwest. Much tummy yums consumed whilst there. Takes a turn or five to joust those nasty gut builders away. I am back on the plan. Trust me there missy Healther Healthington from Healthsville. No need for a dietary conference. Much like my sperm for your medically trained esophagus, I know what sustenance goes best inside my pipes. Danke.

Greeted again by the prerequisite silence destroyers. I am among the fidgety. I know how to harness this power. No need to fill the air with any random noise whatsoever just to have competing fluff banging around in your hollow cranium. Seal the lips. Plug that stinking hole. Shut the fuck up you waste of calories.

He's just friendly, gregarious as it were. Right, and I'm menstruating in my yambag. He's a vapid clown, who is so insecure about every situation outside of his dicked realm that he has to spout endlessly about shining bullshit, just to not weep uncontrollably into his tattered resume.

Plenty shorn sheep remain to hurdle when actively using one's residential pedestrian rights to get home. I may karate chop some herb in his adam's apple while obliviously walking around with his nose in the clouds, open mouth gaping at the skyline. I shoulder plow through much of them already. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse from breaking them and subsequent penalty. Social rules included. Sucking mold sphincter tourists. Just pretend to motor with a purpose please. Wish I had the fingers for pickpocket. Easy prey these lumbering herds of sheltered visitors. Easy shells to break, quick access to the yolks. Trade yolks for firewater. All is well.

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